Microarray Data Analysis for Genetic Network Prediction


Microarray Missing Value Estimation Methods


1     Introduction. 1

2     Motivation. 2

3     Missing Value Estimation Methods. 2

3.1      Weighted K-nearest Neighbors (KNN) Method. 2

3.2      Sequential K-nearest Neighbors (SKNN) Method. 3

3.3      Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (BPCA) Based Method. 3

3.4      Local Least Square Imputation (LLSimpute) Method. 4

3.5      Iterated Local Least Square Imputation (ILLSimpute) 4

3.6      Combination of Methods. 5

4     Measures of Performance of Imputation Methods. 5

3.1      Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 5

3.2      Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) 5

3.3      Gene Selection Based Measuring Method. 6

5     Conclusion. 6

References. 6



1      Introduction

As one of the most important research tool in bioinformatics, microarray has made substantial advancement in recent years. Combining with the mathematical, electronical and biological techniques, Microarray provides a useful tool to monitor the expression level of large amounts of genes simultaneously. Using microarray technology, biological researchers has harvested tremendous data in gene expression studies and hastened the paces of biological studies. Meanwhile, researchers in mathematics and computing science have developed various algorithms, and made contribution to both microarray data processing and theoretical mathematics studies. Following is a brief introduction of the methodology of microarray. Firstly, cells from different tissue or different source are treated with certain condition before biological digestion. After that, mRNA is extracted and hybridized with microarray chip. The intensity of the fluorescence on the chip will represent the expression level of the gene on the spot. Microarray experiments usually generate data in the format of a matrix, with rows representing different genes, and columns representing different samples and conditions. After the matrix dataset is obtained, mathematical transformation and algorithms can be applied to the dataset, to extract useful information and underlying pattern. Current popular microarray data analysis methods include missing value estimation, feature selection, clustering and gene network construction. This survey focus on missing value estimation, the primary step, and reviews its development in recent years and current proceedings.


2      Motivation

Missing value can originate from different any stage of experiment, from chip production and treatment, hybridization and scanning [5]. A number of reasons could cause missing data, to name some, insufficient resolution, image corruption, or even dust and scratches on the slide [1]. Chips with probes packed too tightly are more possible to produce missing values. In these cases, values are missing at random. Signals whose intensities are too low to recognize or measure are eliminated as missing values too. These values are considered as non-random missing value [5]. It is introduced above that a number of algorithms have been developed to explore the underlying pattern of microarray data, such as gene selection and classification. However, these algorithms must apply on complete datasets. Therefore it is crucial to obtain accurate and complete dataset. One possible solution to recover the dataset with missing value is to repeat experiments, which is inefficient and infeasible. Hence, the missing values in original data need to be predicted mathematically and estimated data must be put in before any other algorithms are applied.


3      Missing Value Estimation Methods

Predicting missing values with accuracy assures the reliability of the results from subsequent steps. At beginning, simple imputations were used to, e.g., filling the missing values with zeros; using the row mean for imputation. These methods produce inaccurate estimating values and influence the results of gene selection and classification. Then a number of complicated approaches have been proposed to predict missing values. This survey will review popular algorithms at present. We will introduce the classic methods and methods derived from classic ones.


3.1  Weighted K-nearest Neighbors (KNN) Method

Troyanskaya et al. proposed that the KNN-based method takes k nearest neighbor genes from the dataset except genes that have missing value at the same position with the target gene (gene whose missing value is being estimated). Euclidean distance is used to calculate the similarity between target gene and neighbor genes [6]. After the neighbor genes are selected, a weighted average of values from k nearest genes is then used as an estimate for the missing value in target gene. The calculation of weight of each gene can as following equation.

where k is the number of selected genes and Di is the distance between ith gene and target gene.


In this method, missing values in the same gene need to be calculated separately. Troyanskaya et al. examined this method and showed that this method was efficient at predicting missing values. It is also suggested that KNN method works better on non-time series data and time series data [6].


3.2  Singular Value Decomposition Based Method (SVDimpute)

SVDimpute was proposed by Troyanskaya et al. too [6]. Overall, SVDimpute performs worse than KNN method. However, it works better on time-series data than KNN. In SVDimpute method, a set of mutually orthogonal expression patterns are obtained and linearly combined to approximate the expression of all genes, through the singular value decomposition of the expression matrix Gm*n. By selecting k most significant eigengenes, a missing value gij is estimated by first regressing the i-th gene against these k eigengenes and then using the coefficients of the regression to reconstruct gij from the linear combination of the k eigengenes


3.3  Sequential K-nearest Neighbors (SKNN) Method

Kim et al. improved KNN method and proposed SKNN method in 2004 [3]. The difference between SKNN and KNN is


1.        The original data set is divided into complete dataset and incomplete dataset, according to if the gene has missing value or not. Genes in incomplete dataset is ordered according to its missing rate (how many missing values it contains).


2.        Imputation starts from the gene with least missing rates. k nearest neighbor genes are selected from complete dataset. Once a gene has all missing values estimated, it will be moved to complete dataset for the imputation of next gene. In this method, missing values in the same gene can be calculated simultaneously.


Information carried by genes with missing valued is better used than KNN method. Kim et al. also demonstrated that SKNN method performs better than KNN especially with data carrying large amount of missing values [3].


3.4  Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (BPCA) Based Method

Bayesian model is a popular model which has been widely used. However, Oba et al. first applied this model in missing values estimation [4]. BPCA method mainly comprise three elementary processes, which are

1.        Principal component regression.

2.        Bayesian estimation.

3.        Expectation-maximization-like repetitive algorithm.

The performance of BPCA method has been compared with that of KNN and SVDimpute and showed its advantages over them [4]. However, when genes have dominant local similarity structures, BPCA doesn't work as well as KNN [4].


3.5  Local Least Square Imputation (LLSimpute) Method

LLSimpute method is a novel method published in 2005 [3]. In this method, the first step is to select k genes by Pearson correlation coefficients or Euclidean distance [3]. Second, missing values in the target genes are estimated by local least squares. The key step in LLSimpute is using local least squares to determine the coefficients to approximate the target gene. The target gene is assumed to have a linear combination with its coherent genes.


Without loss of generality, we assume that the target gene is gene 1 and it has missing values at the first n-n’ positions. Suppose there are k coherent genes for gene 1 and they are genes s1, s2, …, sk. We select the rows 1, s1, s2, …, sk from matrix Gm*n to compose the following sub-matrix:

The k-dimensional coefficient vector x* is the one that minimizes square, that is,


The target gene is approximated as


and the missing values in the target gene as estimated as


H. Kim et al. [3] showed that the LLsimpute performs better than all the previous methods.


3.6  Iterated Local Least Square Imputation (ILLSimpute)

Cai et al. improved LLSimpute in two steps. First, instead of set k as a fixed number of neighbor genes, the average distance is calculated and we learn a distance ratio, and the genes with their distances not exceeding times the average distance are considered as neighbor genes to the target gene. The distance ratio is the ratio that achieves the best accuracy in training dataset. In this method, the number k will vary for different target genes. Second, after the LLSimpute method is run to estimate the missing values, the algorithm use the imputed results from the last iteration to re-select coherent genes for every target gene, using the same distance ratio, and runs LLSimpute method to re-estimate the missing values. The process iterates a number of times or until the imputed values converge [1].


3.7  Combination of Methods

As we have introduced above, each method has its advantage and disadvantage, and can be associated with a specific type of systematic error [2]. Therefore, Jornsten [2] and colleagues proposed a new method called LinCom, which is the convex combination of the estimates by ROW, KNN, SVD, BPCA and GMC [2]. LinCom is especially useful to understand the merits of different imputation [2]. Jornstern et al. inferred that by combining the various estimates, they could borrow strength across methods to adapt to the data structure. As single missing value estimation method is still improving, and new methods coming out quickly, combination of methods can be another avenue to generate more efficient and accurate tool for missing value prediction.


4      Measures of Performance of Imputation Methods

There are two standard measurements in imputation methods which are root mean squared error (RMSE) and normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE).


4.1  Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

RMSE is commonly methods to measure the performance of missing values. Generally, some pseudo-missing values are generated to test the missing value estimating methods. The estimated values are compared with true values. Let X = {x1, x2, …, xq} be the set of missing value positions and assume the true expression value at xi is ai while the estimated value is ai*. Define

to be the mean of all squares of errors. Define

to be the mean and deviation of all the true expression values, respectively. RMSE is calculated as following [2]:


4.2  Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE)

When all missing values have been estimated, the quality of the imputation also can be measured by normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) [3]. Then, the NRMSE is defined as

Essentially, the NRMSE indicates how close the estimation values and the true values are. Therefore, the smaller the NRMSE value, the better quality the imputation has.


4.3  Gene Selection Based Measuring Method

Scheel et al. indicated that since missing value estimation served the purpose of further analysis such as gene selection, it would be helpful to evaluate the performance of missing value estimation methods by their effect on gene selection results [5]. They measured the score of missing value estimation by looking to lost and added differentially expressed genes compared with the list of differentially expressed genes from an analysis of the true complete data [5].


5      Conclusion

As one of the most promising technique in recent years, microarray has been attracted more and more attentions. The large amount data it produces bring both chance and challenge. The processing and analysis of microarray becomes a fascinating topic for scientists from computing science, statistics and mathematics. Missing value estimation is the first and essential step in microarray data processing. A number of good models and algorithms have been proposed to accurately predict missing values. We reviewed the development of missing value estimation methods, and summarized the current popular method. We also compared the performance of these methods, introduced their principles, advantages and disadvantages. At last, we briefly introduce the commonly used methods to measure the performance of missing value estimation.



[1] Z. Cai, M. Heydari, and G. Lin. Microarray missing value imputation by iterated local least squares. In The Proceedings of Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2006), 2006.

[2] R. Jornsten, H. Wang, W. J. Welsh, and M. Ouyang. Dna microarray data imputation and significance analysis of differential expression. Bioinformatics, 21:4155–4161, 2005.

[3] H. Kim, G. H. Golub, and H. Park. Missing value extimation for DNA microarray gene expression data: Local least squares imputation. Bioinformatics, 20:1–12, 2005.

[4] S. Oba, M. Sato, I. Takemasa, M. Monden, K. Matsubara, and S. Ishii. A bayesian missing value estimation method for gene expression profile data. Bioinformatics, 19:2088–2096, 2003.

[5] I. Scheel, M. Aldrin, I. K. Glad, R. Sorum, H. Lyng, and A. Frigessi. The influence of missing value imputation on detection of differentially expressed genes from microarray data. Bioinformatics, 21:4272–4279, 2005.

[6] O. Troyanskaya, M. Cantor, G. Sherlock, P. Brown, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, D. Botstein, and R. B. Altman. Missing value estimation methods for dna microarrays. Bioinformatics, 17:520–525, 2001.